Attn Getter: Tanya Jessen had never been compelled to lose weight in her life until DDR came around, which is a video game where you dance on a dance pad. After playing months of DDR, Tanya had gone from 235 pounds all the way down to 145 pounds.
Preview: Tanya Jessen loses 90 lbs with DDR, 10 people in Korea make $100,000 yearly playing video games, people who play Gears of War have better visual skills and make decisions 85% faster, John Muhammed and Lee Boyd Halvo played Halo switched to God Mode to train for a school shooting. Orzack says about 40% of WoW players are addicted.
Thesis: The negative and positive effects of video games and how video games influence people is a hotly debated topic
Body 1: People play for pay and make a living off playing video games. Mr. Leto, who is known as the world's greatest Halo player, won $20,000 as a top prize in Seoul, South Korea at the world finals. Mr. Munoz's league awarded $500,000 in prizes in 2004 and expected to at least double that amount in 2005. More than 1000 kids from South Korea already make a living playing video games and 10 of them are making more than $100,000 a year. People of all ages benifit with exercise. Konami made a virtual boxing video game where people will benifit by losing weight. People at the Virginia Retirement community often have wii parties and wii bowling contests. Mickey DeLorenzo shocked the world when he lost 9 pounds by just adding playing the Wii sports game for 30 mins to his schedule for six weeks. People are losing weight playing DDR, an example is Tanya Jessen who had gone from 235 pounds to 145 pounds with playing DDR. Schools are buying into exergaming because it sells and kids enjoy. Some schools even have DDR during gym class where students can break a major sweat.
Body 2: People who play certain games like Guitar Hero can rapidly process visual information faster and better than when they didn't play games with fast flying objects. They also can enhance their timing and coordination on things. Studies from Daphne Bavelier, a Ph.D from the University of Rochester, show that people who play Gears of War, a first person futuristic shooter for the XBox 360, have better visual skills and make decisions 85% faster than nongamers. An Iowa State University study found that Laparoscopic surgeons who played Super Monkey Ball on Gamecube, which is a game where you move a ball through a series of platforms, made 37% less errors and were 27% faster at completing the task.
Body 3: Violence in video games can lead to violent criminal acts. The Tuscaloosa News in Alabama reported in 2005 that Devin Thompson, a 19 year old, had killed two policemen and an emergency dispatcher in Fayette, Alabama. His act mirrored scenes from Grand Theft Auto, which is a game where you escape from and kills cops, steal cars, and can even go onto a massive massacre. He played this game for hours day after day and after Thompson was apprehended he said, "Life is a video game. You've got to die sometime." School Shootings from the Columbine Massacre to Paducah, KY show that John Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo trained on a game called Halo switched to God Mode to suppress their inhibition to kill. An 11 year old boy tried taking over his middle school in Wellsboro, Pa. while wearing a red bandana after playing a lot of Metal Gear Solid, where the main character also wore a red bandana.
Body 4: Role Playing games like Sims, Everquest, and WoW have an accumulative total number of fans in the millions. Orzack said she hears from people every day who wandered so far into these virtual worlds that they can no longer find the exit. Majority of Gaming addictions come from MMORPG's. WoW has about 6.5 million player worldwide that pay 15 dollars a month to play. Some play even when they can't spare an hour. Orzack says that about 40% of WoW players are addicted and that some WoW players love for the game border around the unhealthy. Hitchcook, a US Air Force Staff Sergeant, used to play WoW around 10 hours a day and has now brought it down to 4 or 5 hours a day. He would stay up late, take leave, not answer the phone, tell friends he was sick, even skip meals just to play WoW. His wife divorced him in 2003 because of his addiction but then later got back with him after he started to get his addiction somewhat under control.
Body 5: opinion paragraph, do not worry yet
Thesis: How video games influence people and what the negatives and positives of video games do to people is a hotly debated topic.
Review: Tanya Jessen loses 90 lbs with DDR, 10 people in Korea make $100,000 yearly playing video games, people who play Gears of War have better visual skills and make decisions 85% faster, John Muhammed and Lee Boyd Halvo played Halo switched to God Mode to train for a school shooting. Orzack says about 40% of WoW players are addicted.
Closer: Many people think video games only have negative effects, but a study showed that people who played Gears of War had better visual skills and made decisions 85% faster than those who didn't play Gears of War.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Annotated Bibliography 10
Authors at the Michigan Chronicle believe that violent video games trigger violent and aggressive acts in teenagers. Reports show that violent video games may cause gamers to pull off violent acts. One example of this was Devin Thompson who would play a game called Grand Theft Auto for hours where a person kills people and cops and steals cars. He had killed two police officers and an emergency dispatcher in Alabama when he claimed life is a video game, you've got to die sometime. Many reported shootings and violence in schools may also have been caused partly by video games. One example of this is from a Middle school in Wellsboro, PA, where a youth played Metal Gear Solid for hours and then came to school one day with a red headband ( just like the main character ) and tried to takeover the school. Reports also say the new game Bully has startling similarities between it and the Columbine Rampage. This article can relate to the article that talks briefly about gears of war. Both talk about violence, but the Gears of War one talks about how it can improve your eyesight and this one talks about how it can cause agression and violence in people. This article supports my topic because it shows the negative side about games and gives arguments against people who say games can be good.
Annotated Bibliography 9
The authors at the Boston Globe suggests to video gamers, mostly MMORPG players, that can become very addicting. Maressa Orzack can relate to this addiction, but she thought that she was able to get away from it easier because her addiction was only to computer solitaire, while people now are addicted to MMORPGs. She now helps people to try and control there addictions, mainly to the game known as World of Warcraft or WoW. People would play around 5 to 10 hours a day when they had time or even when they didn't. Also, most people would lie and tell there friends they aren't sick or wouldn't even answer the phone when it rang because they got so into the game. Some people just started playing normally and then they entered a virtually reality world where there is no visible exit. This article can relate to the fellowship of the Online Gamers article because it talks about how people play MMORPGs, but this article mainly focuses on the adiction that can follow gameplay. This article supports my topic because it gives me the other side of video games, the negatives.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Annotated Bibliography 8
Authors at Doc News suggest that people who play active exercising games like DDR will lose a significant amount of weight after a couple of months. There are many stories out there that show real hand accounts of people who played DDR and had lost around 60 or so pounds. This article suggest that many people love this way of exercising because it is a video game and many people love to play video games. Also, DDR serves as a great source for obese kids to get their exercise. This article also explains how people are not just playing DDR at home, but they are now playing DDR at schools because it is such a great exercise tool. This article suggests that many schools will or already have jumped on the bandwagon of playing DDR. This article can relate to the other article that talks about exercising with DDR and the 4th graders. Both articles talk about how people exercise with video games, mostly DDR, and how DDR is starting to be used in school as an exercise source. This article supports my topic because it tells about how people have gained things by playing video games.
Annotated Bibliography 7
The authors at the Chicago Tribune suggest hat playing video games can improve a surgeons performance during surgery. Studies shown from one of the top experts on the effects of video games, Douglas Gentile, show that video games like Super Monkey ball can help surgeons complete there surgery 27% faster and make 37% less errors. Gentile believes that it would be a good idea, and wouldn't be surprised, if surgeons started training for surgery by use of video games. Gentile believes that they could create a game that has 100 different bodies where 50 of them have the most common complications and the other 50 have the most common errors. This article can be directly related to the article that talks about the three video games and how they can improve peoples actions. The reason that it can be related is because they show the same information from the game Super Monkey Ball. This work supports my topic because it shows how surgeons can benefit from video games, which is a positive of video games.
Annotated Bibliography 6
The authors at the Christian Science Monitor comment to people who play Massive multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPG) that they may not be so bad. Many people out there have nothing to do simply because they live in a small town, so MMORPG's are a great way to kill time. a positive side about MMORPG's is that they can create online friendships between people across the globe. Thousands of people across the globe play MMORPG's where people can build trust in each other and obtain a certain goal. These games are not just good to make friends but some of the more action one improve your visual concepts. Studies at the University of Rochester New York suggest that action video games can help people visualize objects faster and better than people who do not play action packed video games. This article can relate to the article that talks about the 3 games that can help your brain a little better. The main similarity between the two articles is that they both talk somewhat on how video games can improve your visual concepts. This article supports my topic because it shows some positive sides of video games.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Annotated Bibliography 5
Matt Bean, the author from Men's Health, explains how surgeons, neuroscientists, and NASCAR racer use video games to boost their brains. Studies suggest that habitual players of the first person shooter game Gears of War have better visual skills and make decisions 85% faster. Daphne Bavelier suggests that you could read a newspaper, recognize a scene, or even pick facial features faster in a picture. An Iowa State study showed that when surgeons played the game Super Monkey Ball, which is when you have to roll a ball through a series of platforms, they made 37% fewer errors and were 27% faster. Another study from the University of Wisconsin suggests that playing Guitar Hero 2 can enhance your motor skills and timing and coordination. It also helps people rapidly process visual information because of the speed that the bars move at. This article can relate to the article about how action packed games can enhance your visual skills. Both of these articles are related in that they both talk about how game can improve peoples minds and visual skills. This article supports my topic because it talks about how games can boost your brain, which is a positive about video games.
Annotated Bibliography 4
The authors at the Associated Press suggest that gamers who play more action packed games like Grand Theft Auto 3 and Counter-Strike may have more sharpened minds. Researchers at the University of Rochester found that young adults who play those type of games showed a lot better visual skills than those who did not. When an experiment was done to prove this theory, the results showed that the people who play action packed video games could find the blinking light, colored letter, and could count the number of simultaneous objects better than those people who do not play video games. These findings suggest that video games could help treat visualy impaired people or even train people for combat. This article can compare to the article about how video games can be used for exercise. They are similar in that they both talk about how video games can benifit people physically, whether it be exercise or improved eyesight. This article supports my topic because it talks about how video games help people and make there visual skills better.
Annotated Bibliography 3
The Authors at the Oakland Tribune describe to video gamers and people concerned with fitness how video games are not all about sitting on the couch. Daniel Jaramillo takes 4th graders in his P.E. class and they play a game known as dance dance revolution (DDR). This game takes some effort to play as a person must move their feet across the floor pad on fast speeds to complete the game. Obese kids, which is totalling around 9 million in the U.S., may play more video games than kids who are not obese, but DDR is a great way to help those obese kids become fit again. (along with other exercises). Schools across the nation are noticing the power of these games to help kids get their exercise, and all of West Virginia has DDR in there schools. DDR is not the only source of exercise in gaming though, the new console known as Wii also contributes to the exercise category of video games as the player must move around to move their character. People would not be surprised if they will see Wii systems in P.E. class soon because of the exercise people can get from it. Mickey DeLorenzo went through his own Wii Sports experiment where for six weeks he played Wii Sports for 30 minutes a day without changing his diet or anything and he lost 9 lbs. This article can compare to the article about how people of all ages can play the Wii. Both of the articles talk about the same system and there great uses for people. The difference between the two is that this one talks about how it is great for exercise and the other one talks about how it is great fun for people of all ages. This article supports my topic because it talks about some of the positives about gaming.
Annotated Bibliography 2
The authors at the Ziff Davis Media Inc. describe how the new wii system is great for not just gamers, but people of all ages rather. Ruth Evert at a retirement home in Virginia claims that video games were not her thing, but when she got the new wii remote in her hand she could not just stop playing the game. Ebert is 82 and she had played tennis on the Wii. The last time that she played tennis was for her high school team and she had said that she enjoyed the Wii more because it didn't rub it in your face if you lost. The people at the Virginia Retirement Community can not get their hands off of the new system that allows the player to use motions to make the game play, and they end up sitting there for hours just playing and having a blast. Also, they often have bowling tournaments on the Wii where they play for hours, and they believe it is easier because you don't have to pick up a 16 lb ball to play. For most of the people at the Virginia Retirement Community it is there first time playing with video games because most of them had no interests at all in video games. The Wii is different from other consoles in that it has not just selected a small population to appeal to but rather the who world population (excluding babies) that can enjoy a system. This article is different from the article talking about gamers who play for pay because this article talks about people who use a system just for fun while the other article talks about highly skilled players that get payed. This article relates to my topic because it talks about the positives about video game systems and what good they can do for people.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Annotated Bibliography 1
Author of the article, Eric A. Taub from the New York Times company, explains to gamers all across the globe that gaming isn't all just about having fun, but people can make a living off gaming and quite possibly make quite a bit of money. Eric explains how Mr. Leto, who is known by many as the greatest Halo player in the world, was trying to qualify for a trip to the world finals in San Francisco in 2004 with a top prize of $20,000 by winning in the American Finals at Long Beach, California. Mr. Leto is not the only person who is successful in gaining money from gaming though. Mr. Wendel who specializes in PC games has earned more than $300,000 already from tournaments and Mr. Cungo has won $45,000 do far. There are many leagues for gamers to join like the Association of Gaming Professionals, the Cyberathlete Professional League, the QuakeCon Organization, and Major League Gaming. In Korea there are more than 1,000 kids making a living playing video games and 10 make more than $100,000 a year. This article can be compared to the article wii game console bowling over U.S. Retirees, because both of the articles show how people are gaining things from playing video games. Retired people at retirement homes are getting rejuvenated and are getting exercise while gamers from all over the world are becoming rich by just doing what they love to do, play video games. This article illuminates my bibliography topic because it is showing a positive side to video games and what good it can do for people. It shows how people are becoming successful in making money by just playing video games.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Raft 1 Tri 3
Hello Mr. Hatten, for my spring break I did not do that much. As a matter of fact, it was rare to even see me out of my room, unless I was at work. I bought a couple of video games over the break and I played those a lot. These video games are Def Jam: Icon in which you gangsta beat people and help people build a label and sell their music. Another game that I bought was Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 in which I played for 12 hours straight in one day with my brother and friend. I also read a book called Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix because I am a loser and am a little behind on the Harry Potter series. My break was kind of boring actually and a slept in a lot. I found that I liked to go to work because it gave me something to do over spring break. I also bowled over spring break in my bowling league and I ended up getting a 632 series on the first saturday with a 244 high game and a 503 series on the second saturday with a crappy 187 high game. That is about all that I did over spring break
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Day 8: Problem Solution Outline
Sorry Hatten, Blogger for word only works on the old blogger accounts.
Attention Getter: Fact provided by FPMEE, Mozcom Inc. states 186 dead so far from trying to climb Mt. Everest.
State the Problem: Mt. Everest is a dangerous place to be and its most ultimate consequence is death. Some evidence of this is the example of a climber named Sharp, who was 1000 ft below the peak and was deprived of oxygen. Some other evidence is that there is an area above 25,000 ft that is known as the death zone. Some Contributing factors of this problem are that you have a very little chance of getting help if you fall and are deprived of oxygen and your personality type can affect how rules are enforced.
Thesis: Mount Everest is a dangerous place to be and its most ultimate consequence is death. We MUST find a solution to help cause less deaths.
Body Paragraph 1: Some evidence that helps prove this problem is that there was once a Man named Sharp who was just 1000 ft below the peak on his descent and he was deprived of oxygen. He ended up dying because of his conditions. Next, there is an area on Mt. Everest that is known as the death zone. This area is above 25,000 ft and it has sparse oxygen, fierce winds, negative 100 degrees below wind chill, impaired judgment, blizzards, avalanches, mile deep crevices, sheer terrain, and fatal mountain sickness. Also, it is difficult to eat or drink while up in the death zone. There is an oxygen level that is one third of that at sea level which means you will have to breathe four times faster or fifty times a minute. There is air dry enough to drop your water content level in your blood from 50 percent to 15 percent.
Body Paragraph 2: Some contributing factors of this problem are that you have a low chance of surviving if you stop on the way up the mountain and you cannot go on. If you produce a hacking cough it can become strong enough to crack your ribs. If that just so happens to occur, then you will have a low chance of surviving unless you are with a Sherpa who can safely bring you down the mountain or call in a helicopter to bring you down. There is a possibility that you will get hypothermia, exhaustion, and even hallucinations. When people start seeing things like light or even fire maybe from their hallucinations they ended up staying in the spot and sit there until they die. If you have a low oxygen capacity in your lungs it will be difficult to breathe at high altitudes because of the thin air.
Body Paragraph 3: Some other contributing factors include that it is extremely cold up on Mount Everest. With temperatures reaching down to 100 degrees below when you reach the death zone there is a high chance of somebody freezing up there if they give up and don’t go on. Another contributing factor is that this mountain can turn ordinary people into believers. Because this mountain is the highest point on the earth, there are many people who want to climb this mountain just for that reason may just be climbing to their death. Also, your personality type can influence how the rules are enforced while climbing the mountain. Impaired judgment can also cause you to die because if you end up making stupid decisions you will have a higher chance of dying. Also the money put into this expedition will make people just forget about the fallen climbers and leave them to their death because the only thing they have on their mind is the summit. The summit will always be there, but life will not always be there.
Restate thesis: One of the most dangerous place on the earth is Mount Everest and its most ultimate consequence is death. There is a NEED to find a solution to cause less deaths.
Key Points: Some key evidence is that there is an area called the death zone above 25,000 ft, it can get to below 100 degrees, there are many blizzards, avalanches, and there is very little oxygen. Also the air is dry enough to drop your water content level in your blood from 50 to 15 percent. Some key contributing factors are that it is really cold up on the mountain and you can freeze easily if you are not careful. Also, your personality type can influence how the rules are enforced on the mountain.
Solution: A solution would be to not to climb this mountain at all or at least get some experience on some other mountains before climbing Mount Everest. This would help you get used to mountains and possibly make it a little easier to climb Mount Everest. Also, if you do not climb this mountain at all you will ensure that you won’t die for at least a little while longer.
Attention Goer: 1996 was the most single worst year for deaths on mount everest, claiming 15 lives. This info was provided by EzineArticles.
Works Cited:
Attention Getter: Fact provided by FPMEE, Mozcom Inc. states 186 dead so far from trying to climb Mt. Everest.
State the Problem: Mt. Everest is a dangerous place to be and its most ultimate consequence is death. Some evidence of this is the example of a climber named Sharp, who was 1000 ft below the peak and was deprived of oxygen. Some other evidence is that there is an area above 25,000 ft that is known as the death zone. Some Contributing factors of this problem are that you have a very little chance of getting help if you fall and are deprived of oxygen and your personality type can affect how rules are enforced.
Thesis: Mount Everest is a dangerous place to be and its most ultimate consequence is death. We MUST find a solution to help cause less deaths.
Body Paragraph 1: Some evidence that helps prove this problem is that there was once a Man named Sharp who was just 1000 ft below the peak on his descent and he was deprived of oxygen. He ended up dying because of his conditions. Next, there is an area on Mt. Everest that is known as the death zone. This area is above 25,000 ft and it has sparse oxygen, fierce winds, negative 100 degrees below wind chill, impaired judgment, blizzards, avalanches, mile deep crevices, sheer terrain, and fatal mountain sickness. Also, it is difficult to eat or drink while up in the death zone. There is an oxygen level that is one third of that at sea level which means you will have to breathe four times faster or fifty times a minute. There is air dry enough to drop your water content level in your blood from 50 percent to 15 percent.
Body Paragraph 2: Some contributing factors of this problem are that you have a low chance of surviving if you stop on the way up the mountain and you cannot go on. If you produce a hacking cough it can become strong enough to crack your ribs. If that just so happens to occur, then you will have a low chance of surviving unless you are with a Sherpa who can safely bring you down the mountain or call in a helicopter to bring you down. There is a possibility that you will get hypothermia, exhaustion, and even hallucinations. When people start seeing things like light or even fire maybe from their hallucinations they ended up staying in the spot and sit there until they die. If you have a low oxygen capacity in your lungs it will be difficult to breathe at high altitudes because of the thin air.
Body Paragraph 3: Some other contributing factors include that it is extremely cold up on Mount Everest. With temperatures reaching down to 100 degrees below when you reach the death zone there is a high chance of somebody freezing up there if they give up and don’t go on. Another contributing factor is that this mountain can turn ordinary people into believers. Because this mountain is the highest point on the earth, there are many people who want to climb this mountain just for that reason may just be climbing to their death. Also, your personality type can influence how the rules are enforced while climbing the mountain. Impaired judgment can also cause you to die because if you end up making stupid decisions you will have a higher chance of dying. Also the money put into this expedition will make people just forget about the fallen climbers and leave them to their death because the only thing they have on their mind is the summit. The summit will always be there, but life will not always be there.
Restate thesis: One of the most dangerous place on the earth is Mount Everest and its most ultimate consequence is death. There is a NEED to find a solution to cause less deaths.
Key Points: Some key evidence is that there is an area called the death zone above 25,000 ft, it can get to below 100 degrees, there are many blizzards, avalanches, and there is very little oxygen. Also the air is dry enough to drop your water content level in your blood from 50 to 15 percent. Some key contributing factors are that it is really cold up on the mountain and you can freeze easily if you are not careful. Also, your personality type can influence how the rules are enforced on the mountain.
Solution: A solution would be to not to climb this mountain at all or at least get some experience on some other mountains before climbing Mount Everest. This would help you get used to mountains and possibly make it a little easier to climb Mount Everest. Also, if you do not climb this mountain at all you will ensure that you won’t die for at least a little while longer.
Attention Goer: 1996 was the most single worst year for deaths on mount everest, claiming 15 lives. This info was provided by EzineArticles.
Works Cited:
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Day 5: Mount Everest Webquest
Member of the climibing community
You may choose to examine Mount Everest from the viewpoint of a member of the
international mountain climbing community. Mountaineers (as they are called)
climb mountains, provide gear, guide others up mountains, hire helpers and
set up travel plans for mountain climbing adventures.
State the Problem: Mount Everest is a dangerous place to be and its most ultimate consequence is death!!!
Give Evidence: An example of Mount Everest's dangers are from a climber who was known as Sharp, who was 1000 ft below the peak and was deprived of oxygen. 40 passed by him and left him there to die. More than 4,000 have tried, 660 succeeded, 142 have died. There is an area known as the death zone which is above 25,000 ft. There is sparse oxygen there, fierce winds, negative 100 degrees below wind chill, impaired judgement, blizzards, avalanches, mile deep crevaces, sheer terrain, and fatal mountain sickness. It is difficult to breathe without supplemental oxygen. You have a low chance of surviving if you stop on the way up because you can't go on. Also, when in the death zone you can barely eat or drink. There is an oxygen level one third of that at sea level, which means you will have to breathe 4 times faster or 50 times in a minute. There is air dry enough to drop your water content level in blood from 50% to 15%. When you get a parched throat you may start to have hacking coughs, which are strong enough to crack ribs. Its low temperatures can cause hypothermia, exhaustion, and hallucinations.
Examine Contributing Factors: Some contributing factors that make this a dangerous mountian are that if you fall and are losing breath, normally no one would stop and help you. It is cold at the mountain so you have a high chance of freezing. This mountain can turn ordinary people into believers, which may cause you to climb to your death. Your personality type can make it difficult for people to enforce rules on the mountain. Impaired Judgement will cause you to do things that you would not normally do so you have a higher chance of making stupid decisions. The money put in the expedition will make people just forget about fallen climbers and the only thing they have on their mind is the summit. The summit will always be there, someones life will not.
Propose a solution: one solution would be not to climb this mountain at all or you might die or you could at least prepare for a climb on this mountain by climbing other smaller mountains to gain experience of mountain climbing.
Info was provided by Why We Explore, Los Angeles Times, and Deadly Peak.
Member of the climibing community
You may choose to examine Mount Everest from the viewpoint of a member of the
international mountain climbing community. Mountaineers (as they are called)
climb mountains, provide gear, guide others up mountains, hire helpers and
set up travel plans for mountain climbing adventures.
State the Problem: Mount Everest is a dangerous place to be and its most ultimate consequence is death!!!
Give Evidence: An example of Mount Everest's dangers are from a climber who was known as Sharp, who was 1000 ft below the peak and was deprived of oxygen. 40 passed by him and left him there to die. More than 4,000 have tried, 660 succeeded, 142 have died. There is an area known as the death zone which is above 25,000 ft. There is sparse oxygen there, fierce winds, negative 100 degrees below wind chill, impaired judgement, blizzards, avalanches, mile deep crevaces, sheer terrain, and fatal mountain sickness. It is difficult to breathe without supplemental oxygen. You have a low chance of surviving if you stop on the way up because you can't go on. Also, when in the death zone you can barely eat or drink. There is an oxygen level one third of that at sea level, which means you will have to breathe 4 times faster or 50 times in a minute. There is air dry enough to drop your water content level in blood from 50% to 15%. When you get a parched throat you may start to have hacking coughs, which are strong enough to crack ribs. Its low temperatures can cause hypothermia, exhaustion, and hallucinations.
Examine Contributing Factors: Some contributing factors that make this a dangerous mountian are that if you fall and are losing breath, normally no one would stop and help you. It is cold at the mountain so you have a high chance of freezing. This mountain can turn ordinary people into believers, which may cause you to climb to your death. Your personality type can make it difficult for people to enforce rules on the mountain. Impaired Judgement will cause you to do things that you would not normally do so you have a higher chance of making stupid decisions. The money put in the expedition will make people just forget about fallen climbers and the only thing they have on their mind is the summit. The summit will always be there, someones life will not.
Propose a solution: one solution would be not to climb this mountain at all or you might die or you could at least prepare for a climb on this mountain by climbing other smaller mountains to gain experience of mountain climbing.
Info was provided by Why We Explore, Los Angeles Times, and Deadly Peak.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Day 3: Tartan Problem
State the Problem: There is a growth happening in the population of the student body, hence making the halls more crowded.
Give Evidence: Tartan sophmoro's are the 2nd largest class in school history, Freshmen are the largest. Tartan's student body population increases a little bit every year. students have trouble getting to their locker and even opening it up sometimes because there are so many people.
Examine Contributing Factors: The population of the U.S. is growing so there will be more people. there are many families with multiple kids. Sex is being more displayed in media, which may be causing more teenage pregnancies. Tartan was not built to hold as many kids as it has today.
Propose a Solution: You either stop having kids, send some kids to North High School, or you Renovate the School to make it larger.
Give Evidence: Tartan sophmoro's are the 2nd largest class in school history, Freshmen are the largest. Tartan's student body population increases a little bit every year. students have trouble getting to their locker and even opening it up sometimes because there are so many people.
Examine Contributing Factors: The population of the U.S. is growing so there will be more people. there are many families with multiple kids. Sex is being more displayed in media, which may be causing more teenage pregnancies. Tartan was not built to hold as many kids as it has today.
Propose a Solution: You either stop having kids, send some kids to North High School, or you Renovate the School to make it larger.
Monday, February 5, 2007
Day 1
My family wants to spend more time with each other, but none of us can seem to figure out what to do as an activity together. One problem with this is that only two people in my family really likes to play board games and when that was suggested we simply shrugged it away. Another problem is that my brother can not keep his hands off of books. Any time that we try to do something with him and take his book away, five minutes later we notice that he is missing somewhere and he has his book with him again. My dad can not seem to stay away from the TV and usually when he gets home all he wants to do is relax and watch the news to find out what is going on in the world. My sister has to work all of the time and even if we do see her it is too late to do something with her as a family anyways. Lastly, there is someone in my family that my parents like to call vegetable (a.k.a Tim or me) who will not, I repeat, WILL NOT get out of his room for anything except for work, homework, and dinner because he is always playing his video games.
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